Tuesday, October 19, 2010

False certain NYPD drug lab mired in contrast liaison

An NYPD lab tech dangling among allegations she falsified drug exam formula is indicating fingers at a co-worker.Mariem Megallas counsel claimed the justification at the heart of the box was excellent whilst it was in her custody. A controversial outcome popped up usually after she handed it off to an additional lab tech, he says."It wasnt her responsibility," pronounced the lawyer, Benjamin Lieberman. "It had zero to do with her."At slightest 800 drug cases are underneath examination after allegations that Megalla noted a cosmetic bag as certain for heroin even though it tested negative, sources said.The citywide examination will probably in the future engage some-more than 1,000 cases and is expected to lead to drug being retested.But sources pronounced the examination is expected to embody a series of adjudicated cases for that the drug have been broken - exposing the dialect to polite suits and the annoyance of overturned verdicts.Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly pronounced falsified lab reports are not a drawn out problem. But the allegations were critical sufficient for military coronet to encounter with member of the citys five district attorneys and the bureau of the special narcotics prosecutor.Megalla, 57, assimilated the lab in 1986 and had no prior problems, Lieberman said.wcruz.comWith Brendan Brosh
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